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Just Health Guide

Chia Seeds Write For Us Chia Seeds Write For Us – Chia seeds are tiny beige or black seeds that look like sesame seeds. They come from two herbaceous plants native to Mexico.

These are tiny seeds from Mexico, which have many virtues. This basic food of the Aztecs would allow us to stay in good health. We will tell you everything. Chia seeds are trendy in Latin America. In Europe, a little less. However, the benefits of these seeds are significant.

Chia Seeds Are Suitable For The Heart

Chia seeds are effective in the fight against cardiovascular diseases. Many studies have shown that these tiny seeds can lower blood pressure, and l Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and potassium, chia seeds contribute to better cardiovascular health.

Chia Seeds Facilitate Transit

Chia seeds are rich in fiber, which is beneficial for good transit. The fibers indeed facilitate digestion and make it possible to reduce the acidity in the stomach. Are you constipated? The solution may be there.

Chia Seeds Strengthen Bones And Teeth

Because they are rich in calcium, chia seeds strengthen teeth and bones. Do you want to reduce your consumption of dairy products? Include 100 grams of chia seeds in your daily diet, and you will meet 20% of your daily calcium needs. You will also fight more effectively against the risk of osteoporosis.

Chia Seeds Moisturize The Skin

Chia seeds deeply nourish the skin. The proteins present in chia seeds allow the skin to regenerate by repairing the tissues. Thanks to omega-3, proteins soften the skin and give it better elasticity. Do you suffer from skin irritations? Chia seeds can be a great help.

Chia Seeds Help With Weight Loss

A diet based on chia seeds will make you less hungry because they impact your appetite. They have satiating properties and can be helpful for people who suffer from eating disorders. But before embarking on a diet based on chia seeds, take advice from your doctor.

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