Hair Loss: Have Healthy Hair, Fight Against, and More

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Hair Loss – Long hair, The height of femininity! So when we pass the brush through our hair and see that many locks are attached to it, we are panicked and ask ourselves many questions: is this hair loss normal? How to avoid hair loss? What are the factors of their loss? What products are effective in the fight against hair loss?

Have Healthy Hair to avoid hair loss

Hair is, for women, a real asset of seduction.

  • But what you want to know is that we all lose our hair daily, and sometimes even without realizing it.
  • So know, ladies, that even if none of us likes to see our hair fall out, their fall is more or less inevitable.
  • With around 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on our little heads, we lose an average of about 100 a day.

But don’t worry, the hair doesn’t stop growing! This amount is considered “normal” by dermatologists who “treat” this “disease”. On the other hand, you have to be vigilant beyond this bar of 100 hairs lost per day.

It is compulsory to take into consideration certain external factors that would accelerate hair loss,  such as:

  • age
  • The stress
  • The genes
  • Hormonal changes
  • Season changes
  • Food (And yes. As strange as it may seem, the health of our hair also depends on the plate!)
  • Diseases and drug treatments.

How to fight against Hair Loss?

If the loss is light, you may use a hair loss product.

Oils, shampoos, dietary supplements are your friends.

Take a course of B vitamins as fall approaches, when hair loss is more severe.

Bet on foods unlikely in iron and protein to strengthen your scalp and prevent hair loss.

Avoid tying your hair every day and give yourself scalp massages.

It’s nice, and it helps the hair to grow stronger.

Alopecia, what is it?

Alopecia is the scientific name for hair loss.

This word uses to designate a rapid loss of hair and body hair.

The term borrowed from the Greek “a lope”x meaning “fox”. Why? Because this animal loses many hairs each year at the beginning of spring.

It is not about the daily loss of a hundred hairs, which corresponds to the natural renewal of cells.

Alopecia leaves the skin partially or devoid of hair.

Baldness is part of this phenomenon.

This degeneration of hair cells mainly affects men with age.

Alopecia is often hereditary or caused by drugs or treatments, such as cancer chemotherapy. The treatment, depending on its dosage, sometimes causes sudden hair loss. It is why some women who followed for cancer prefer to take the lead in cutting their mane rather than seeing it fall out.

Cosmo is there and answers all the questions you have about hair loss, gives you tips to counter this phenomenon and gives you a selection of really effective products to fight against hair loss.

Thinning Hair – A Symptom of Hair Aging

Thinning Hair Loss

As we age, hair changes texture. The hair fibre loses density, and its diameter gradually becomes thinner. Hair thinning is scientifically proven to links to hair ageing. DUCRAY Dermatological Laboratories carried out an epidemiological study on 1049 women and 1324 men aged 15 to 93: after 65, women have less dense hair, and 32% of them indicate a decrease in their hair density and volume. . After 70 years, hair growth decreases 12.6% for its part. This is because as time passes, blood microcirculation is less well in the scalp. As a result, the hair bulb receives the oxygen and nutrients it needs in less quantity. Direct consequence: the hair that grows is more delicate.

Ladies, a little trick to find out if you, too, are a victim of thinning hair: regularly gather your hair in a ponytail and observe you may feel your hair thinner and your hair mass diminish.

Weakened Hair – The other Consequence of Hair Loss of Density

Symptom of hair ageing hair thinning brings other inconveniences that we would do well without. Thinner hair growth often marks the beginning of fragile hair. If we think of good news at first glance, it is not the case for the scalp or hair. Of course, they receive fewer nutrients and vitamins, but the scalp also produces less sebum. Why? Quite simply because the sebum produced by the sebaceous glands allows above all to form a protective layer against external aggressions. Result: the hair becomes dry, dull and damaged more quickly.

Just as we incorporate appropriate treatments into our beauty routine when premature skin ageing and wrinkles are on the horizon, we do the same with our hair routine. So what to do when hair ageing weakens the hair? What treatment to adopt daily in the shower? Shampoo, serum, and food supplements are essential to adopt specific anti-ageing therapies to limit hair damage over time.