¿Hasta Qué Hora Está Abierta La Tienda De Alimentos Más Cercana

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¿Hasta Qué Hora Está Abierta La Tienda De Alimentos Más Cercana – If you want to get a bargain, the best times to go are early in the morning or late at night. As Mr. Price says, items may be marked down from the night before or before the following day.

The cost of living crisis has impacted everything from bills to essentials, and the Price of everyone’s weekly food shop has skyrocketed as some items are triple in Price.

With food and non-alcoholic drink price inflation rising by 18.4%, recent data has revealed that three-quarters of people have expressed concern about the cost of their weekly shopping.

And with the average Brit making more than 200 trips to the supermarket each year and spending more than £4,200 there, we want to know we’re all getting the most for our money, especially with the inflation rate keeping prices stubbornly high.

One way to keep costs as low as possible is to do your food shopping on certain days of the week to take advantage of any deals and discounts that may appear that day.

Richard Price, owner of online supermarket Britsuperstore, says the best day to stock up depends on several factors.

“The best day of the week and time to do your weekly grocery shopping and save money can vary depending on specific store policies, promotions, and your location,” he explains.

What Are The Best Days To Do Your Food Shopping?

What Are The Best Days To Do Your Food Shopping_ (1)

Price recommends that weekdays, Tuesday through Thursday, are the best days to stock up.

“Weekdays, like Wednesday or Thursday, can be good for shopping because many stores launch new sales and discounts on these dates,” explains Price.

‘Some stores have special offers and discounts starting Tuesday. If your local store follows this pattern, Tuesday could be a good day to find discounts on various items.”

Monday can also be a good time, as there can be bargains over the weekend.

“Some stores mark down perishable items and products with a short shelf life on Mondays to sell them quickly after the weekend. This can be an opportunity to find discounted produce and baked goods,” he notes.

What Are The Worst Days To Do Your Food Shopping?

If you want to avoid crowds and queues, don’t take your stroller through the supermarket on weekends.

Price says: “Weekends, especially Saturdays, are the busiest days in stores. Increased foot traffic can lead to longer checkout lines and a more hectic shopping experience.

“Also, some stores may not have restocked their shelves yet due to the weekend rush, so the selection might not be as good.”

When Is The Best Time Of Day To Shop For Groceries?

If you want to get a bargain, the best times to go are early in the morning or late at night. As Mr. Price says, items may be marked down from the night before or before the following day.

“If you manage to go early in the morning, you may find items just marked down from the day before that the store is trying to sell quickly,” he suggests.

“Perishable items, such as baked goods or produce, may have reduced prices during this time.

Like early morning, the late evening hours before the store closes can be an opportune time to find discounts on perishable items. “Many stores mark down items approaching their expiration date to avoid waste.”

Other Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Store

Other Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Store

Use store apps and loyalty programs: Some stores offer select deals and discounts through their mobile apps or loyalty programs,” says Price. ‘Check if your favorite store has one and use it to save money.

  • Avoid weekends and holidays: “Shopping on weekends or holidays can be crowded, and some stores may not offer significant discounts during these busiest times.”
  • Compare prices: It’s worth keeping an eye on the prices of different items in different stores as they can vary. “Some stores may consistently have lower prices on certain items,” Price notes.
  • Make a shopping list: “Plan your meals for the week and create a list before you go to the store.” Stick to the list to avoid unnecessary impulse purchases.
  • Buy in unpackaged (when it makes sense) – You can save a few pennies here, but be sure to check unit prices to ensure you’re getting a good deal, and obviously, this only works if you have the space at home.
  • Check coupons: “Look for coupons in newspapers, online coupon websites, or the store’s app before shopping.”
  • Price adds: “Remember that saving money on groceries isn’t just about the day and time of shopping.

“It’s also about smart planning, buying items on sale or in bulk when necessary, and avoiding unnecessary expenses.”

Why Are Supermarkets No Longer Open 24 Hours A Day?

With the rise of suitability stores and other retail options, supermarkets have closed their doors earlier and earlier in recent years. Some are now only open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., while others have closed their doors entirely at night.

Additionally, superstores are losing customers to online shopping and other retail options. People increasingly buy online or in-store items they can take home quickly and without waiting in long lines. While supermarkets may no longer be open 24 hours a day, they are still popular food purchasing options. Most people find that they can get everything they need at a supermarket during regular business hours, and the availability of night shifts means that workers can still get some sleep at night.


¿Hasta Qué Hora Está Abierta La Tienda De Alimentos Más Cercana – The morning is one of the best times to go to the supermarket. The hallways are empty, the day is young, and your energy levels are high – all good things to get in, check items off your list, and get out. Any time in the morning (early, mid-afternoon, late afternoon) works well.

If you want to try and get a bargain, the best times to go are early in the morning or late at night. As Mr. Price says, items may be marked down from the night before or before the following day.