Information on Community Health Center

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Community health is the collective appearance of the health of a defined free, determined by the interaction between the characteristics of individuals, families, the social, cultural, and environmental environment, and health services and the influence of social factors.

Political and global. Therefore, a Intervention is an action carry out with and from the community through a participatory process.

An excellent way to approach community health is by networking locally. Networking consists of creating alliances, and synergies between different agents, to establish common objectives and act cooperatively to achieve them so that resources are better use.

Community Health and its leading Health Agents

Community health can be defined as “individual and group health in a defined community, determined by personal and family factors and the socio-economic-cultural and physical environment.

We consider community health intervention as a health intervention strategy whose purpose is to improve the health of a defined community.

Community health includes a social conception of health, which takes into account the social environment in which health-disease phenomena occur, the application of a comprehensive approach to health-disease processes, taking into account the macrosocial and microsocial levels, and the participation of communities, institutions, and other sectors in decision-making

The adjective health for the intervention strategy that defines community health responds to the fact that the health services in the intervention have an essential role, and within them are those of the first level of care, primary care (PC), at the individual, and those of public health (MPH) at the population level, those that are closest to the community as a whole.

Key Points

  • Primary care and public health have a common field, community health. Therefore. They can and must add responsibilities. Skills, and competencies with other actors related to community health and the organized community itself.
  • Primary care and public health have activities and services that are part of the portfolio of services to which the population is entitled. Therefore they must be offered following health needs, even in the absence of demand.
  • It is necessary to move towards a direct offer of interventions that depend mainly on the population’s needs and that very often will be in the field of population determinants and the reduction of health inequalities. They must not be the object of actions dependent on well-intentioned professional wills. In such a case, we will be generating iniquities.
  • To this end. Intervention to improve  must be include in policies, training, in-service provider contracts, in-service portfolio definition systems. Organization of services (objectives, resources, etc.), and intersectoral action.
  • The training of professionals (medicine, nursing, and social work) in primary care should include knowledge and skills in assessing health needs and planning community programs. In contrast, those in public health need to know the individual health care/care component.

The Direct and Indirect Benefits of Community Health Care

Community healthcare programs have the opportunity to benefit both the company and the community, directly and indirectly. Although the business imperative may include gains from improved social license to operate, there are usually many indirect benefits to the community, such as better education through improved health and well-being of children.

The vulnerabilities of communities living near mine sites can be significant. They are often located in remote areas of developing countries with only limited access to the pre-existing available health care structure.

Before implementing  care projects, designing interventions that will add value, which requires sensitive planning, is necessary. By using tools such as health impact assessments and health needs reviews, companies can maximize the benefits they can bring to healthcare.

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Community Health and Improvement

It is essential to recognize that the health of people and groups is determined by multiple factors, the determinants, some of which are very close and others far from individual control and that there are social inequalities in health that are, that is, unequal distribution of opportunities to adore health.

Variable. Thus, policies (macroeconomic, employment, rights, etc.) influence more and more people than interventions closer to individuals; in addition, simultaneous action at various levels tends to enhance the effects of the interventions.

So it is convenient to align the actions of the person and their immediate environments. Such as the family and the place of study or work, with those that act further away from the person. It is like the policies that influence the neighborhood, the workplace, or the municipality.

In this way. Parallel to the significant policies that slowly modulate the world, we can and must intervene at intermediate levels. This is where  operates, understood as acting in and from the that can positively influence health.

However Community health acts on factors that influence health; for example. According to the available evidence, interventions to improve mental health can work at the level should be aim at

1) improving social inclusion,

2) reducing violence and discrimination, and

3) increasing access to resources economical.

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Community health is a significant arena of study within the medical and clinical sciences. Which attention to the maintenance, protection, and improvement of the health status of population groups and communities.