Ocean County Health Department Community Employment Fair

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Ocean County Health Department

The Ocean County Health Department is happy to announce that on May 17, 2018, it will host a community job fair. The general public is encouraged to find out more about the Department of Health’s services. Job seekers are invited to enquire about current and upcoming career opportunities with the Department. In order to answer inquiries regarding the steps necessary to carry out each Department’s purpose, representatives will be available in each division of the health department.

The Ocean County Health Department From Providing Shelter To The Community

“Thousands of residents county are well served by the Department of Health and its many programs each year. Through a wide variety of services, from providing shelter to the community.” the Ocean County Health Department has always served Ocean County residents well; with more than 185 clinics this year alone, from providing annual flu shots to adopting dogs and cats in the northern and southern parts of the county.” rajkotupdates.news : us inflation jumped 7.5 in in 40 years. I encourage our residents to stop by on May 17 to learn more about what the Department offers, including potential employment for qualified candidates.

The Coordinator For The Ocean County Health Department Says

A public health coordinator for the Ocean County Health Department says, “We have a vibrant and exceptional workforce committed to serving our county residents by improving public health every day. We are pleased to offer this job fair to attract prospective employees to showcase our services and join our mission of improving public health.”

Management And Program Development Proposes

The Director of management and program development for the Ocean County Health Department proposes that: “The Job Fair as a unique opportunity to engage the public in the many services offered through the Department Will serve, while hopefully serving, as a catalyst for the recruitment of positions available now and in the future for job-seeking community members with a mission-driven agency focused on improving public health

Ocean County Health Department Offers Healthy Tips For Returning To School

The Ocean County Department of Health (OCHD) wants to remind parents that now is also a great time to learn about important ways you can support your child’s health from preschool through graduation day. “The start of a new school year can pressure children and parents,” said OCHD Public Health Coordinator/Health Officer Daniel Regene. “As a parent, you want to ensure that your child feels and performs at their best throughout the school year. A healthy child tends to be more successful in the classroom.

The Following Is A List Of Healthy Back-To-School Tips: The Ocean County Health Department

  • Start setting alarms about 15 minutes earlier each night until they reach their working bedtime and wake-up time for school.
  • Personal devices are turn off long before bedtime. Smartphones, tablets, and laptops emit blue light that can disrupt children’s sleep patterns.
  • Your child’s school may require proof of up-to-date vaccinations. Primary school children may need vaccinations against polio, chickenpox, and other diseases. Everyone eligible should also receive a flu shot in late October and COVID-19 shots as soon as possible.
  • If your kids are looking forward to starting the new school year and moving to a new building, plan a visit before the first day to ease their worries. rajkotupdates.news: us inflation jumped 7.5 in in 40 years
  • Hand washing can prevent about 20 percent of respiratory infections. So remind them to wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds at critical times. Using the bathroom, before lunch, or after playing outside.
  • Improve your child’s health by sending them to school with nutritious lunches. Combining that with a whole grain product. A protein, a fruit or vegetable, and a dairy product, all packaged interestingly, will increase their chances of overeating.
  • Studies show that drinking plenty of water reduces cavities and improves your desire to learn. So consider giving your baby away with a fresh reusable water bottle.
  • Teach children not to share hats, wigs, hair ribbons and bows, combs, brushes, scarves, and other clothing. This can spread lice or increase the chances of getting lice.