The Benefits of Fasting – Complete Detailed Report

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Benefits of Fasting – For a long time, fasting has been used for its dietary and therapeutic virtues. However, a several-day diet would regenerate the body, purify the skin, or improve its well-being. Provided you follow a few rules—review the benefits of culinary asceticism and advice from Doctors.

“You have to remain measured in everything, breathe clean air, do physical exercise every day (…) and cure your minor ailments by fasting rather than by resorting to drugs,” Hippocrates is said to have said (460 -375 BC). Nearly 2,500 years later, and even if some doctors dispute its usefulness, therapeutic fasting continues to appeal. After the 19th century, numerous experiments proved its preventive and restorative effects. Since 1980, it has been part of a public health policy in Russia. Some clinics even offer therapeutic fasting stays.

Fasting is not an express diet and not reduced to stopping eating for several days: “You don’t decide to fast overnight. The approach must remain thought out and, above all, medically accompanied. Fasting must remain planned, practised away from stress, punctuated by breaks, physical activities, readings. »

Practised seriously, fasting provides benefits that the body quickly feels. Overview.

A new skin

Stress, fatigue, unbalanced diet: excesses reflected on the skin by the presence of pimples, dark circles, a dull complexion, excess sebum. After fasting, “the intestinal flora is at rest, it is no longer healthy. Contact with toxic food and rebalances itself. Therefore, sebum production reduced, impurities disappear, the skin regenerates and becomes smoother”, specifies doctor Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo. However, the doctor warns: “If the fast is too long, it can deepen wrinkles. The regeneration of the body also benefits the hair, which strengthened and more accessible to style. As for the teeth, they increase in whiteness.

Benefits of Fasting The digestive system at rest

Benefits of Fasting The digestive system at rest

Very often abused by an unbalanced or too rich diet, the digestive system takes a few holidays thanks to fasting: “The liver and the walls of the intestine regenerated, the pancreas and the stomach are put to rest, and the intestinal flora rebalanced “, explains the professional. By promoting the exclusion of all toxins from the body, fasting converts into a natural detox.


If a diet should not remain measured, fasting necessarily leads to weight loss. “When we consume additional calories than our body needs, the extra stored as fat. Through fasting, the body draws directly on these reserves and burns calories,” explains Drs.

Fight against cardiovascular diseases

“Extremes increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. It is a direct result of weight loss. When we fast, our insulin levels and sugar levels drop, stored fats mobilized, and excess reserves emptied without forgetting that a healthy lifestyle daily contributes to good cardiovascular health.

Serenity and calm

It is surprising, to say the least, especially since we would rather be aggressive when hunger tugs at us! Then after two or three days of fasting, the feeling of hunger disappears. “We are no longer in the classic “I am hungry, I eat, I am full” cycle. We enter a state of contentment, and we feel serenity,” explains Françoise Wilhelmi from Toledo. The expert recalls that this effective cleaning of the mind can only take place on the condition that specific rules respected: “A fast requires availability to punctuate the days with readings, walks or meditation.