Tips For Treating Your Dark Spots Like A Derm

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Tips and Tricks

Tips for treating your dark spots like a Derm – The Lentigines Lentigos are the most common stains. They are generally round and light in colour. They appear with age from the forties and are located around the neck, face, décolleté and hands. Also called “age spots”, they tend to generalize after 60 and can quickly become unsightly for the wearer.

Melasma Or Pregnancy Mask

Here is hyperpigmentation of the cheeks and cheekbones, which can sometimes extend to the forehead and upper lip. Generally, these Dark Spots appear due to a hormonal imbalance, whether it is pregnancy or a contraceptive pill. However, certain aggravating factors such as prolonged exposure to the sun, frequent exfoliation and skin at risk, mainly dark skin.

In addition, you should know that different layers of the epidermis can impact. Thus, epidermal melasma will tend to be superficial, while dermal melasma will reach deeper layers at the dermis level. In the second case, it will be imperative to wait for childbirth before being able to set up an effective treatment, the results will be more challenging to achieve, and the methods used will have to act more in-depth.

Freckles Or Freckles

Generally hereditary, they are mainly recognize because they tend to be locate on the face. However, they are not confine to this part since some people have them all over the body. Depending on the “photo type” of each, the skin’s sensitivity to UV rays will be different. Therefore, six photo types correspond to 6 hair colours and skin types (from white skin and light blond hair to black skin).

Post-Inflammatory Dark Spots

Local inflammation cause by acne pimples, scars, or irritation (especially on brown skin) gives hyper-pigmentation after sun exposure. This phenomenon is also observed in young acne-prone skin.

The Mole Or Nevus

Slightly raise, the mole is a small flat and brown spot that must be monitor to rule out cancer risk. Some people have recourse to aesthetic medicine to correct this minor defect which can quickly become unsightly depending on where it is placed (ablation).

What are the Medical Techniques to Remove Dark Spots?

Knowing the origin of the spots is essential to choosing the proper treatment, but knowing how long ago these Dark Spots appeared is also an important parameter. If indeed they are 2 or 3 months old, they may seem easier to remove than a stain that has been in place for several months.

Creams, and light peels, may be sufficient. It is up to your practitioner to best advise you on treatment choice. A stain formed for months is more difficult to remove and often requires medical treatment.

Peeling Against Dark Spots

The technique consists in applying to the skin a product (liquid or paste) which will create, the following days, desquamation. The epidermis is thus regenerated, eliminating the superficial layer of the skin.

Depending on the exfoliating product used (usually an acid), the practitioner will act more or less deeply in the dermis, and the desquamation will be stronger.

There are 3 types of peeling: superficial, medium, deep

Superficial (or mild) peels are most often used with glycolic acid (only doctors can use concentrations above 20%), mandelic acid, kojic acid, resorcinol, and low concentration TCA (trichloroacetic), or specific preparations from certain laboratories… They will require between 3 and 6 successive sessions, and their consequences are straightforward: an exfoliation with skin that peels like after a sunburn, without brown scabs).

Pulsed Lights (Ipl) Or Flash Lamps To Lighten The Complexion

These are not lasers but intense (high intensity) light. Here the light energy is transformed into heat by selectively focusing on the dark pigments in the skin. This will lead to their destruction by a micro-burn. The destroyed parts will be eliminated by fine dry desquamation of the skin in the following week.

Abrasion Lasers

These are “laser-abrasion” techniques with co2 or Erbium laser. They remove the superficial layer of the skin containing the pigments responsible for the brown colouration.

The laser destroys a thin layer of the superficial skin which contains the accumulated pigments. New, spotless skin will then re-form within a few days.

Photomechanical Lasers

Their light energy will be capture explicitly by the melanin (brown pigment) in the skin without burning or abrasion of the superficial skin layer. The pigments are destroy or fragment by the energy deliver. From then on, they can eliminate by the reparative cells of the skin (macrophage cells which rid the tissues of foreign bodies), giving way to clearer skin.

La Microdermabrasion

The technique consists of projecting micro-crystals (a powder) on the skin at high speed, which will remove its superficial layer. Depending on the device’s setting, the practitioner penetrates more or less deep into the dermis.

It is a sort of “mechanical” exfoliation of the face. This relatively gentle exfoliation activates the renewal of dermal cells for clearer skin and a more even complexion.


Cryotherapy will produce a cold burn to destroy specific areas of the skin. More aggressive than the laser, it is an effective technique if it is well master. However, it is mainly indicate for isolate Dark Spots , not recommend for melasma.

During the session, the doctor applies liquid nitrogen or dry ice to the area to be treat. Intense cold destroys skin cells. Depending on the patient’s skin, it sometimes happens that a second session is recommend. Immediately afterwards, you may have a slight stinging sensation. A blister may appear depending on the depth of the treatment.

This technique is mainly use in dermatology to destroy skin imperfections.

Photo Modulation By Led Lamp

The last method used in aesthetic medicine is photo modulation by LED lamps. It is an alternative to laser and peeling, a painless method that allows the management of susceptible skin without risk.

Regarding the sessions, it will take 6 or 8 spaced out a week each to obtain the first visible effects The procedure does not last more than 20 minutes and involves exposing the skin to a green light which will gradually reduce the Dark Spots . Moreover, it is a technique that will act in-depth on the epidermis cells with the key, a better radiance and more beautiful skin quality.

Can Dark Spots be Treat with Cosmetic Creams?

There are depigmenting treatments and various anti-dark spot creams or serums available over the counter. These products can be based on plant extracts and contain different active acids on pigmentation, such as azelaic or kojic acid, vinifera, resorcinol, and AHAs (alpha-hydroxy acids often from fruits).

Some creams are only issue on medical prescription: those base on hydroquinone, topical corticosteroids, concentrate glycolic acid, tretinoin, salicylic acid, mercury salts, etc.

Can Dark Spots be Treat with Natural Methods?

Lemon juice or any other citrus fruit, turmeric juice, aloe vera, papaya, red onion, and parsley… have active ingredients that can lighten the complexion. These methods to treat dark spots are pretty long and require patience and regularity to obtain results.